2015-05-06 17:18:08 UTC
"Humanism is a religion. It is a faith in the New God: Human, his Reason
and his Sacred Well-Being. It is based on the belief in the good nature
of human. But is the human nature good? Of course, not. Humans are
egoistic, violent and stupid. The only good they are capable of, "love",
has animal roots: sexuality and empathy. Human reason - their
distinctive feature - is unable to come up with the good on its own, so
humans use their reason for evil deeds. They kill, exploit and lie to
each other. Their societies are oppressive and unfair. And, worst of
all, they like it this way! All they want is more money, more fame, more
power. This is their view of happiness which humanism seeks to preserve
and promote under a false pretense of "peace" and "compassion".
Humanism, however, takes a step in the right direction as compared with
other religions: it calls for intelligent discussion and peaceful
compromise, but it does not specify the final goal and it does not have
solid philosophical foundations. It is based on wrong assumptions. The
reality is grim. Humans is, obviously, an advanced life form as compared
to animals, but due to their commitment to violence humans should be
classified only as an intermediate or transitional form between animals
and free beings. The intelligent, ethical humans are still far and few
between. They are silenced and moved to the fringes of society. Whether
humans will become free beings remains to be seen, but in any case the
way to the future is Objective Ethics. There is no other way."
(From: http://ethical-liberty.com/humanism-objective-ethics.htm)
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and his Sacred Well-Being. It is based on the belief in the good nature
of human. But is the human nature good? Of course, not. Humans are
egoistic, violent and stupid. The only good they are capable of, "love",
has animal roots: sexuality and empathy. Human reason - their
distinctive feature - is unable to come up with the good on its own, so
humans use their reason for evil deeds. They kill, exploit and lie to
each other. Their societies are oppressive and unfair. And, worst of
all, they like it this way! All they want is more money, more fame, more
power. This is their view of happiness which humanism seeks to preserve
and promote under a false pretense of "peace" and "compassion".
Humanism, however, takes a step in the right direction as compared with
other religions: it calls for intelligent discussion and peaceful
compromise, but it does not specify the final goal and it does not have
solid philosophical foundations. It is based on wrong assumptions. The
reality is grim. Humans is, obviously, an advanced life form as compared
to animals, but due to their commitment to violence humans should be
classified only as an intermediate or transitional form between animals
and free beings. The intelligent, ethical humans are still far and few
between. They are silenced and moved to the fringes of society. Whether
humans will become free beings remains to be seen, but in any case the
way to the future is Objective Ethics. There is no other way."
(From: http://ethical-liberty.com/humanism-objective-ethics.htm)
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