Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
2010-06-22 22:54:22 UTC
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June 22, 2010
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Some billboards popping up in Charlotte and
across North Carolina are giving some drivers
reason to pause.
One of the billboards is on Billy Graham Parkway
in west Charlotte. It shows an American flag
with the words "One Nation Indivisible" super-
The message appears seemingly harmless until
one realizes the words "under God" have been
purposely omitted. Those two words have been
part of the Pledge of Allegiance since 1954.
The billboard campaign ... is sponsored by the
North Carolina Secular Association.
According to a statement issued by the group,
most of the money used to pay for the campaign
came from an organization called FreeThought-
Action whose mission is to "encourage the con-
tinuing growth, open engagement, and public
acceptance of a freethought community in
American society."
NCSA founder Joseph McDaniel Stewart said
the campaign "is designed to bring nontheists
and theists together as patriots in a shared
When the words 'under God' were added to the
Pledge of Allegiance between 'one nation' and
'indivisible,' Stewart claims, "They made a lie out
of both those ideals because you can't have an
indivisible nation if you draw a line between the
godly and godless. We all belong here."
"The North Carolina Constitution declares that
one must believe in God to hold public office
and even though this requirement is unenforce-
able because it violates the U.S. Constitution,
it's still on the books," ...
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June 22, 2010
'Under God' missing from billboard
on Billy Graham Parkway
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A billboard in Charlotte is one of six across North
Carolina that omits the phrase "under God" when
quoting the Pledge of Allegiance.
The billboards, sponsored by the North Carolina
Secular Association, have the phrase "One Nation
Indivisible" written over an American flag back-
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Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
(Freethinking Realist Exploring
Expressive Liberty, Openness,
Verity, Enlightenment, & Rationality)
June 22, 2010
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Some billboards popping up in Charlotte and
across North Carolina are giving some drivers
reason to pause.
One of the billboards is on Billy Graham Parkway
in west Charlotte. It shows an American flag
with the words "One Nation Indivisible" super-
The message appears seemingly harmless until
one realizes the words "under God" have been
purposely omitted. Those two words have been
part of the Pledge of Allegiance since 1954.
The billboard campaign ... is sponsored by the
North Carolina Secular Association.
According to a statement issued by the group,
most of the money used to pay for the campaign
came from an organization called FreeThought-
Action whose mission is to "encourage the con-
tinuing growth, open engagement, and public
acceptance of a freethought community in
American society."
NCSA founder Joseph McDaniel Stewart said
the campaign "is designed to bring nontheists
and theists together as patriots in a shared
When the words 'under God' were added to the
Pledge of Allegiance between 'one nation' and
'indivisible,' Stewart claims, "They made a lie out
of both those ideals because you can't have an
indivisible nation if you draw a line between the
godly and godless. We all belong here."
"The North Carolina Constitution declares that
one must believe in God to hold public office
and even though this requirement is unenforce-
able because it violates the U.S. Constitution,
it's still on the books," ...
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June 22, 2010
'Under God' missing from billboard
on Billy Graham Parkway
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A billboard in Charlotte is one of six across North
Carolina that omits the phrase "under God" when
quoting the Pledge of Allegiance.
The billboards, sponsored by the North Carolina
Secular Association, have the phrase "One Nation
Indivisible" written over an American flag back-
- - - end excerpts - - -
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Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
(Freethinking Realist Exploring
Expressive Liberty, Openness,
Verity, Enlightenment, & Rationality)