Major Economic Meltdown will Lead to World Peace + the End of Poverty & Hunger in This World of Plenty
(too old to reply)
Jason Armstrong
2011-09-10 16:28:56 UTC
The Coming Economic Meltdown Will Lead to World Peace - and a functional
human family!

Watch for a total economic meltdown "the dissolution of the stock
markets" -- it may take place in the next few weeks, months, or years,
but it is sure to happen.

Don't worry, it will be for the good of mankind and will lead to the
eventual creation of a new economic system that serves the interests
of the vast majority, rather than exploiting them. Benjamin Creme in
London has been talking about the impending collapse and the remarkable
benefits the entire human family will reap, shortly thereafter for over
two decades.

"If we would evolve, develop as a race, we must realize our oneness,
realize that we are brothers and sisters of one family, under the one
Divine Source... What happens in a normal family? They share whatever
they have. A mother will not feed one child better than another, give
one child 17 per cent and another 83 per cent of the food. We have to
realize that we are one family, and therefore must share the resources
of the world more equitably around the world."
(Benjamin Creme, Maitreya's Mission Volume Three)

"…Volatility will remain high as one crisis leads to another... Despite
the inevitable attempts by the ‘men of money’ to continue the old ways
of unfettered free markets, Capitalism as we have known it is dead.

“...Men must change dramatically the present way of life, & embrace
simpler forms of living & working. Gone are the days in which men raped
& ravaged the planet at will, without a thought for the generations
still to come, neither seeing nor caring ought for the environment...”

“...the dissolution of the stock markets... will release the pressures
now being imposed on governments by currency speculation, & allow a fair
& equitable trading system to be developed. Short term measures must
recognize the special & urgent need of poorer nations for succor. In
particular, the problems of hunger & disease must be addressed without
delay. New methods of distribution of resources, based on sharing &
need, will supplant the present chaotic modes which so divide the world.
The blind following of market forces, whose myopic rule causes such
misery today, will give way to an enlightened & just consideration for
the needs of all...”

All the quotes above were copied from Share International's material.


"...We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world’s population are
living in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we think
that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then we are
sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that clear...

"When the people's voice is not heard, there will inevitably be

"People will begin to understand that humanity is traveling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all traveling together along a path of evolution to something tremendous
which our minds at present find difficult to truly understand." Benjamin


Throughout history, when Humanity has reached a major point of crisis, a
Teacher is sent into the world to show the way forward. All the major
world religions expect a further revelation to be given by a great
Teacher. Christians hope for the return of the Christ, Jews await the
Messiah, Buddhists look for the coming of Maitreya Buddha, while
Muslims await the Imam Mahdi, and Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna.
According to esoteric teachings, these are all different names for the
same individual: Maitreya, the World Teacher. He is the World Teacher
for everyone, religious or not & is an educator in the broadest sense of
the word. His first major public appearance is imminent. He will NOT
come across as a religious figure nor will he endorse any particular
religion over any other. He does NOT want anyone to worship Him, but
rather to think of Him as an elder brother. His message can be
summarized as “share & save the world”. He will inspire humanity to
see itself as one family, & to create world peace through sharing,
justice & co-operation. The time for unbridled greed, political
corruption, environmental degradation, war & poverty has passed.

Details: http://www.Share-International.org

Follow the link above for information that will soon be widely viewed as
the most profound and important news story ever.


"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."
Maitreya, the World Teacher
2011-09-10 18:19:13 UTC
On Sep 10, 12:28 pm, Jason Armstrong
Post by Jason Armstrong
The Coming Economic Meltdown Will Lead to World Peace - and a functional
human family!
Watch for a total economic meltdown "the dissolution of the stock
markets" -- it may take place in the next few weeks, months, or years,
but it is sure to happen.
See...we've warning of this for many months now...an underlying
subversive activism beneath all we see going down now...underneath the
real motivations of Obamaville.

Whoever this character Armstrong is...just a now BOLDLY open discourse
on what is really taking place: MARXISM, cum SOCIALISM...cum old world
bolshevism with a new mask of culture marxism, slowling unfolding it's
plan that has been in the works for decades now to overtake western
institutions, and then work to COLLAPSE free markets, leading people
into a vortex they can not escape whereby the seek bigger and bigger
government to 'bail them out'...

Human family? Sharing equally among ourselves? Exploited people?
These are all the 'usual suspect' diatribe these socialists exist
upon. Sharing, ROTFLOL. The REALITY of this sharing is no private
ownership; no FREEDOM...and you and I, prisoners under heavy handed
government regulation that will become heavier and heavier, until the
TOTALITARIAN underbelly rolls over to assume all power over us all.

However these creeps try and paint it as some new world utopia to
celebrate, it is the dire midnight come to put a veil over all
humanity [if it succeeds, and presently, it all looks like things are
ON COURSE for that collapse]...and send it into the darkest period it
has ever known.

We can still turn things around...but we MUST GET OBAMA OUT OF OFFICE
THIS NEXT ELECTION in 2012. If he succeeds to be re-elected, many of
us FEAR with great interpidation, that he can 'seal' power off for
good in his next 4 years of office, hastening that collapse all the

Woe betide us all; Woe betide this world...May God save us.
Hilda Smith
2011-09-12 18:16:53 UTC
I think an economic collapse is inevitable and i look forward to it. The
current system must be replaced with one that serves the majoirty of
people, rather than a small exclusive minority. Sure there will be some
pains, but they will be growing pains. It's a matter only of us, not us
and them. We're all in this boat together! That is the truth that we
must face and learn to embrace.

The Path to Real Prosperity
David Korten: A new jobs plan is thinking too small. What we need is a
new economy.
by David Korten


Korten is a brilliant visionary, who i hope will one day work in the


This is also relevant:

Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist film [ageless masterpiece!]
directed by Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany during a stable period of
the Weimar Republic, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia
and makes use of this context to explore the social crisis between
workers and owners inherent in capitalism, as expressed by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels.

More details:

It's available on netflix's online movies...

The moral of the story
"The Mediator between the head and hands must be the heart!"

in the film, the head was symbolically represented by the capitalist
mastermind Joh Fredersen, the hands - the exploited worker/slaves, and
the heart was Fredersen's sympathetic son.


This film is very relevant to the current world situation. People are
finally starting to stand up to the corrupt politicians -who act like
they are totally corrupt and heartless.

Their days in power are coming to an end now. As the great economist
David Korten has said, capitalism in it's current state is like a
cancerous tumor sucking the life force out of the people.

The major industrial and technological advances of the past ~100 years
make it possible, for the first time in our recorded history for us to
throw corrupt politicians, war, poverty, & unbridled greed out the door
forever, and to build a truly civilized civilization, where respect for
all life is a significant factor.


"When the people's voices are not heard, there will be revolution."
"Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be
no peace; without peace there can be no future."
Maitreya, the World Teacher


re: the impending collapse of the world's corrupt economic system

Humanity will receive help through this immediate crisis. Despite
outward appearances of doom and gloom, we are assured the crash
precipitates a golden era for humanity.

"After the preliminary shock, the nations will meet together to discuss
the means of coping with the future in ordered fashion. Those advocating
cooperation will gain the ascendancy. This will not happen overnight.
The process will be gradual, but will not be long delayed. Already there
are those in various governments who are awaiting the time to act."

"Every effort has been and will be made to reduce chaos to a minimum."

"This will lead to a complete change of government priorities: the
supplying of adequate food, shelter, health-care and education will
become paramount responsibilities of all forward-looking nations. The
waste of resources will cease. A rational and sustainable economic
structure based on sufficiency will become the norm. Leisure will be the
natural byproduct of such a structure."

"Maitreya, The World Teacher, will present the nations with an
alternative way of living, of conducting economic and political affairs."

From the Share International site


"People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all travelling together along a path of evolution to something
tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to truly
understand." Benjamin Creme

It's time for our dreadfully dysfunctional family (the human family)
to move forward, to become functional and to live in peace.


"Many await My Coming with trepidation, fearing the loss of all that
they have amassed & gained. Fear not, My friends, for the loss will be
the loss of separation only, of division & fear, of envy & hate. To
clear these from the world, all must be remade. Know this, My friends,
& be ready to share, to see your brother as yourself, to clasp him in
your arms & call him friend. In this way, My brothers, you manifest
God's Plan." Maitreya, the World Teacher
Post by Jason Armstrong
The Coming Economic Meltdown Will Lead to World Peace - and a functional
human family!
Watch for a total economic meltdown "the dissolution of the stock
markets" -- it may take place in the next few weeks, months, or years,
but it is sure to happen.
Don't worry, it will be for the good of mankind and will lead to the
eventual creation of a new economic system that serves the interests of
the vast majority, rather than exploiting them. Benjamin Creme in London
has been talking about the impending collapse and the remarkable
benefits the entire human family will reap, shortly thereafter for over
two decades.
"If we would evolve, develop as a race, we must realize our oneness,
realize that we are brothers and sisters of one family, under the one
Divine Source... What happens in a normal family? They share whatever
they have. A mother will not feed one child better than another, give
one child 17 per cent and another 83 per cent of the food. We have to
realize that we are one family, and therefore must share the resources
of the world more equitably around the world."
(Benjamin Creme, Maitreya's Mission Volume Three)
"…Volatility will remain high as one crisis leads to another... Despite
the inevitable attempts by the ‘men of money’ to continue the old ways
of unfettered free markets, Capitalism as we have known it is dead.
“...Men must change dramatically the present way of life, & embrace
simpler forms of living & working. Gone are the days in which men raped
& ravaged the planet at will, without a thought for the generations
still to come, neither seeing nor caring ought for the environment...”
“...the dissolution of the stock markets... will release the pressures
now being imposed on governments by currency speculation, & allow a fair
& equitable trading system to be developed. Short term measures must
recognize the special & urgent need of poorer nations for succor. In
particular, the problems of hunger & disease must be addressed without
delay. New methods of distribution of resources, based on sharing &
need, will supplant the present chaotic modes which so divide the world.
The blind following of market forces, whose myopic rule causes such
misery today, will give way to an enlightened & just consideration for
the needs of all...”
All the quotes above were copied from Share International's material.
"...We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world’s population are
living in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we think
that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then we are
sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that clear...
"When the people's voice is not heard, there will inevitably be
"People will begin to understand that humanity is traveling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all traveling together along a path of evolution to something tremendous
which our minds at present find difficult to truly understand." Benjamin
Throughout history, when Humanity has reached a major point of crisis, a
Teacher is sent into the world to show the way forward. All the major
world religions expect a further revelation to be given by a great
Teacher. Christians hope for the return of the Christ, Jews await the
Messiah, Buddhists look for the coming of Maitreya Buddha, while Muslims
await the Imam Mahdi, and Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna. According
to esoteric teachings, these are all different names for the same
individual: Maitreya, the World Teacher. He is the World Teacher for
everyone, religious or not & is an educator in the broadest sense of the
word. His first major public appearance is imminent. He will NOT come
across as a religious figure nor will he endorse any particular religion
over any other. He does NOT want anyone to worship Him, but rather to
think of Him as an elder brother. His message can be summarized as
“share & save the world”. He will inspire humanity to see itself as one
family, & to create world peace through sharing, justice & co-operation.
The time for unbridled greed, political corruption, environmental
degradation, war & poverty has passed.
Details: http://www.Share-International.org
Follow the link above for information that will soon be widely viewed as
the most profound and important news story ever.
"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."
Maitreya, the World Teacher
2011-09-12 21:41:27 UTC
Post by Hilda Smith
I think an economic collapse is inevitable and i look forward to it. The
current system must be replaced with one that serves the majoirty of
people, rather than a small exclusive minority. Sure there will be some
pains, but they will be growing pains. It's a matter only of us, not us
and them. We're all in this boat together! That is the truth that we
must face and learn to embrace.
The Path to Real Prosperity
David Korten: A new jobs plan is thinking too small. What we need is a
new economy.
by David Korten
Korten is a brilliant visionary, who i hope will one day work in the
Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist film [ageless masterpiece!]
directed by Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany during a stable period of
the Weimar Republic, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia
and makes use of this context to explore the social crisis between
workers and owners inherent in capitalism, as expressed by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels.
More details:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolis_%28film%29
It's available on netflix's online movies...
The moral of the story
"The Mediator between the head and hands must be the heart!"
in the film, the head was symbolically represented by the capitalist
mastermind Joh Fredersen, the hands - the exploited worker/slaves, and
the heart was  Fredersen's sympathetic son.
This film is very relevant to the current world situation. People are
finally starting to stand up to the corrupt politicians -who act like
they are totally corrupt and heartless.
Their days in power are coming to an end now. As the great economist
David Korten has said, capitalism in it's current state is like a
cancerous tumor sucking the life force out of the people.
The major industrial and technological advances of the past ~100 years
make it possible, for the first time in our recorded history for us to
throw corrupt politicians, war, poverty, & unbridled greed out the door
forever, and to build a truly civilized civilization, where respect for
all life is a significant factor.
"When the people's voices are not heard, there will be revolution."
"Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be
no peace; without peace there can be no future."
Maitreya, the World Teacher
re: the impending collapse of the world's corrupt economic system
Humanity will receive help through this immediate crisis. Despite
outward appearances of doom and gloom, we are assured the crash
precipitates a golden era for humanity.
"After the preliminary shock, the nations will meet together to discuss
the means of coping with the future in ordered fashion. Those advocating
cooperation will gain the ascendancy. This will not happen overnight.
The process will be gradual, but will not be long delayed. Already there
are those in various governments who are awaiting the time to act."
"Every effort has been and will be made to reduce chaos to a minimum."
"This will lead to a complete change of government priorities: the
supplying of adequate food, shelter, health-care and education will
become paramount responsibilities of all forward-looking nations. The
waste of resources will cease. A rational and sustainable economic
structure based on sufficiency will become the norm. Leisure will be the
natural byproduct of such a structure."
"Maitreya, The World Teacher, will present the nations with an
alternative way of living, of conducting economic and political affairs."
 From the Share International site
"People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all travelling together along a path of evolution to something
tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to truly
understand."  Benjamin Creme
It's time for our dreadfully dysfunctional family (the human family)
to move forward, to become functional and to live in peace.
"Many await My Coming with trepidation, fearing the loss of all that
they have amassed & gained. Fear not, My friends, for the loss will be
the loss of separation only, of division & fear, of envy & hate.  To
clear these from the world, all must be remade.  Know this, My friends,
& be ready to share, to see your brother as yourself, to clasp him in
your arms & call him friend. In this way, My brothers, you manifest
God's Plan."  Maitreya, the World Teacher
Post by Jason Armstrong
The Coming Economic Meltdown Will Lead to World Peace - and a functional
human family!
Watch for a total economic meltdown "the dissolution of the stock
markets" -- it may take place in the next few weeks, months, or years,
but it is sure to happen.
Don't worry, it will be for the good of mankind and will lead to the
eventual creation of a new economic system that serves the interests of
the vast majority, rather than exploiting them. Benjamin Creme in London
has been talking about the impending collapse and the remarkable
benefits the entire human family will reap, shortly thereafter for over
two decades.
"If we would evolve, develop as a race, we must realize our oneness,
realize that we are brothers and sisters of one family, under the one
Divine Source... What happens in a normal family? They share whatever
they have. A mother will not feed one child better than another, give
one child 17 per cent and another 83 per cent of the food. We have to
realize that we are one family, and therefore must share the resources
of the world more equitably around the world."
(Benjamin Creme, Maitreya's Mission Volume Three)
"�Volatility will remain high as one crisis leads to another... Despite
the inevitable attempts by the �men of money� to continue the old ways
of unfettered free markets, Capitalism as we have known it is dead.
�...Men must change dramatically the present way of life, & embrace
simpler forms of living & working. Gone are the days in which men raped
& ravaged the planet at will, without a thought for the generations
still to come, neither seeing nor caring ought for the environment...�
�...the dissolution of the stock markets... will release the pressures
now being imposed on governments by currency speculation, & allow a fair
& equitable trading system to be developed. Short term measures must
recognize the special & urgent need of poorer nations for succor. In
particular, the problems of hunger & disease must be addressed without
delay. New methods of distribution of resources, based on sharing &
need, will supplant the present chaotic modes which so divide the world.
The blind following of market forces, whose myopic rule causes such
misery today, will give way to an enlightened & just consideration for
the needs of all...�
All the quotes above were copied from Share International's material.
"...We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world�s population are
living in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we think
that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then we are
sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that clear...
"When the people's voice is not heard, there will inevitably be
"People will begin to understand that humanity is traveling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all traveling together along a path of evolution to something tremendous
which our minds at present find difficult to truly understand." Benjamin
Throughout history, when Humanity has reached a major point of crisis, a
Teacher is sent into the world to show the way forward. All the major
world religions expect a further revelation to be given by a great
Teacher. Christians hope for the return of the Christ, Jews await the
Messiah, Buddhists look for the coming of Maitreya Buddha, while Muslims
await the Imam Mahdi, and Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna. According
to esoteric teachings, these are all different names for the same
individual: Maitreya, the World Teacher. He is the World Teacher for
everyone, religious or not & is an educator in the broadest sense of the
word. His first major public appearance is imminent. He will NOT come
across as a religious figure nor will he endorse any particular religion
over any other. He does NOT want anyone to worship Him, but rather to
think of Him as an elder brother. His message can be summarized as
�share & save the world�. He will inspire humanity to see itself as one
family, & to create world peace through sharing, justice & co-operation.
The time for unbridled greed, political corruption, environmental
degradation, war & poverty has passed.
Follow the link above for information that will soon be widely viewed as
the most profound and important news story ever.
"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."
Maitreya, the World Teacher- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
And yet another example in this Hilda character...'socialists' are
coming out the woodwork realizing they MUST keep Obama in power and
their time to 'strike' is now. Obama's election is an opportunity
these subversives cannot afford to waste, and we can look for anything
and everything in coming months leading up to the 2012 election.

BTW, Capitalism provides the greatest affluency, greatest standard of
living, for the MOST people...by far. FACT; unassailable.
There is NO ECONOMIC argument available for the socialist. His ONLY
argument is a social one, and a very weak one at that; that of
disproportionate 'income distribution'. But which is the true
UNFAIRNESS...that some are able to have higher productivity and thusly
'earn more'...or that some might be FORCED to give up what they earn
to provide for those that do NOT earn. Your call...which is the REAL
unfairness here?

Command ecnomies have always been dinasaur brains that typically
cannot even feed the people properly, much less allow for accumulation
of wealth in the middle classes and a standard of living that is

If universal impoverishment is your idea of a utopia (under
socialism), well...then you're and idiot [what else can you be?].

All this class envy and class warfare is a CROCK!!!...for the true
classless society is one where ANY INDIVIDUAL IS FREE TO MAKE it [or
break it] on their own. There is no ECONOMIC differentiation between
the 'wealthy and poor', for ALL households, rich and poor, are
conumers on the demand side...and ALL HOUSEHOLDS, rich or poor, are
open to be PRODUCERS on the supply side...your choice, your resolve,
your FREEDOM to be and do as you please. Not so under command
economic. structures. Putting production in the hands of the
government [to any degree] is taking POWER AWAY FROM THE PEOPLE.

Why are we having this discussion again anyway? Why are we allowing
complete idiocy that refuses to learn from history a voice at the
table...ONCE AGAIN?

Sober up people, for these subversives are out there; they have
swarmed onto this internet now, and with Obama's seat in power, they
must be dealt with. We cannot go back to sleep thinking this will
cure itself. We are in a struggle, once again.

WE MUST WIN THAT ELECTION in 2012 and get Obama out. That's all there
is to it. end of story.
Elbert Brutus McDonald
2011-09-14 02:45:42 UTC
The Thrive Premiere (The World is waking Up!!)
On November 11, 2011 THRIVE will be released worldwide on the Internet
and have its debut screening in San Francisco.
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's
REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream --
uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of
our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and
activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented
and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

see a 3:39 min trailer at the above site.


The major industrial and technological advances of the past ~100 years
make it possible for the first time in our recorded history to throw
corrupt politicians, war, poverty, & unbridled greed out the door
forever, and to build a truly civilized civilization, where respect for
all life becomes paramount. The oligarchy will fight, but are destined
to fall. All their horses & all their men, won't be able to get their
greedy asses in power again!


Luciano Pavarotti & Bono(U2): Miss Sarajevo

Post by Hilda Smith
I think an economic collapse is inevitable and i look forward to it. The
current system must be replaced with one that serves the majoirty of
people, rather than a small exclusive minority. Sure there will be some
pains, but they will be growing pains. It's a matter only of us, not us
and them. We're all in this boat together! That is the truth that we
must face and learn to embrace.
The Path to Real Prosperity
David Korten: A new jobs plan is thinking too small. What we need is a
new economy.
by David Korten
Korten is a brilliant visionary, who i hope will one day work in the
Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist film [ageless masterpiece!]
directed by Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany during a stable period of
the Weimar Republic, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia
and makes use of this context to explore the social crisis between
workers and owners inherent in capitalism, as expressed by Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels.
It's available on netflix's online movies...
The moral of the story
"The Mediator between the head and hands must be the heart!"
in the film, the head was symbolically represented by the capitalist
mastermind Joh Fredersen, the hands - the exploited worker/slaves, and
the heart was Fredersen's sympathetic son.
This film is very relevant to the current world situation. People are
finally starting to stand up to the corrupt politicians -who act like
they are totally corrupt and heartless.
Their days in power are coming to an end now. As the great economist
David Korten has said, capitalism in it's current state is like a
cancerous tumor sucking the life force out of the people.
The major industrial and technological advances of the past ~100 years
make it possible, for the first time in our recorded history for us to
throw corrupt politicians, war, poverty, & unbridled greed out the door
forever, and to build a truly civilized civilization, where respect for
all life is a significant factor.
"When the people's voices are not heard, there will be revolution."
"Without sharing there can be no justice; without justice there can be
no peace; without peace there can be no future."
Maitreya, the World Teacher
re: the impending collapse of the world's corrupt economic system
Humanity will receive help through this immediate crisis. Despite
outward appearances of doom and gloom, we are assured the crash
precipitates a golden era for humanity.
"After the preliminary shock, the nations will meet together to discuss
the means of coping with the future in ordered fashion. Those advocating
cooperation will gain the ascendancy. This will not happen overnight.
The process will be gradual, but will not be long delayed. Already there
are those in various governments who are awaiting the time to act."
"Every effort has been and will be made to reduce chaos to a minimum."
"This will lead to a complete change of government priorities: the
supplying of adequate food, shelter, health-care and education will
become paramount responsibilities of all forward-looking nations. The
waste of resources will cease. A rational and sustainable economic
structure based on sufficiency will become the norm. Leisure will be the
natural byproduct of such a structure."
"Maitreya, The World Teacher, will present the nations with an
alternative way of living, of conducting economic and political affairs."
From the Share International site
"People will begin to understand that humanity is travelling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all travelling together along a path of evolution to something
tremendous which our minds at present find difficult to truly
understand." Benjamin Creme
It's time for our dreadfully dysfunctional family (the human family)
to move forward, to become functional and to live in peace.
"Many await My Coming with trepidation, fearing the loss of all that
they have amassed & gained. Fear not, My friends, for the loss will be
the loss of separation only, of division & fear, of envy & hate. To
clear these from the world, all must be remade. Know this, My friends, &
be ready to share, to see your brother as yourself, to clasp him in your
arms & call him friend. In this way, My brothers, you manifest God's
Plan." Maitreya, the World Teacher
Post by Jason Armstrong
The Coming Economic Meltdown Will Lead to World Peace - and a functional
human family!
Watch for a total economic meltdown "the dissolution of the stock
markets" -- it may take place in the next few weeks, months, or years,
but it is sure to happen.
Don't worry, it will be for the good of mankind and will lead to the
eventual creation of a new economic system that serves the interests of
the vast majority, rather than exploiting them. Benjamin Creme in London
has been talking about the impending collapse and the remarkable
benefits the entire human family will reap, shortly thereafter for over
two decades.
"If we would evolve, develop as a race, we must realize our oneness,
realize that we are brothers and sisters of one family, under the one
Divine Source... What happens in a normal family? They share whatever
they have. A mother will not feed one child better than another, give
one child 17 per cent and another 83 per cent of the food. We have to
realize that we are one family, and therefore must share the resources
of the world more equitably around the world."
(Benjamin Creme, Maitreya's Mission Volume Three)
"…Volatility will remain high as one crisis leads to another... Despite
the inevitable attempts by the ‘men of money’ to continue the old ways
of unfettered free markets, Capitalism as we have known it is dead.
“...Men must change dramatically the present way of life, & embrace
simpler forms of living & working. Gone are the days in which men raped
& ravaged the planet at will, without a thought for the generations
still to come, neither seeing nor caring ought for the environment...”
“...the dissolution of the stock markets... will release the pressures
now being imposed on governments by currency speculation, & allow a fair
& equitable trading system to be developed. Short term measures must
recognize the special & urgent need of poorer nations for succor. In
particular, the problems of hunger & disease must be addressed without
delay. New methods of distribution of resources, based on sharing &
need, will supplant the present chaotic modes which so divide the world.
The blind following of market forces, whose myopic rule causes such
misery today, will give way to an enlightened & just consideration for
the needs of all...”
All the quotes above were copied from Share International's material.
"...We think... we can go on in the old ways... more competition, more
greed... It is not so... If two-thirds of the world’s population are
living in poverty then the economic system does not work. If we think
that they will go on without asking that it work for them, then we are
sorely out of step with reality. Maitreya will make that clear...
"When the people's voice is not heard, there will inevitably be
"People will begin to understand that humanity is traveling together as
one huge group, at different stages of the evolutionary journey. We are
all traveling together along a path of evolution to something tremendous
which our minds at present find difficult to truly understand." Benjamin
Throughout history, when Humanity has reached a major point of crisis, a
Teacher is sent into the world to show the way forward. All the major
world religions expect a further revelation to be given by a great
Teacher. Christians hope for the return of the Christ, Jews await the
Messiah, Buddhists look for the coming of Maitreya Buddha, while Muslims
await the Imam Mahdi, and Hindus the reincarnation of Krishna. According
to esoteric teachings, these are all different names for the same
individual: Maitreya, the World Teacher. He is the World Teacher for
everyone, religious or not & is an educator in the broadest sense of the
word. His first major public appearance is imminent. He will NOT come
across as a religious figure nor will he endorse any particular religion
over any other. He does NOT want anyone to worship Him, but rather to
think of Him as an elder brother. His message can be summarized as
“share & save the world”. He will inspire humanity to see itself as one
family, & to create world peace through sharing, justice & co-operation.
The time for unbridled greed, political corruption, environmental
degradation, war & poverty has passed.
Details: http://www.Share-International.org
Follow the link above for information that will soon be widely viewed as
the most profound and important news story ever.
"Without sharing there can be no justice;
without justice there can be no peace;
without peace there can be no future...
Man must change or die.
There is no other course."
Maitreya, the World Teacher