Rep. King's Congressional Hearings on Islamic Radicalization / S D Rodrian
(too old to reply)
2011-03-07 23:33:25 UTC
If King were holding hearings on the dangers
of National Socialism (Nazism) I am sure most
Nazis would want to short-circuit them before
they even got started: Nazis know full well
that nothing good for them could possibly come
out of any objective focus on Nazism.

And in the same manner Muslims know full well
that there is about as much chance of anything
coming out of any objective focus on Islam that
will make them look good as there is about any
objective focus on Nazism making Hitler come
out looking like the Prophet of Good (because,
let's face it: objectively, there is about as much
good in Islam as there is in National Socialism).

Islam, like the Nazism most 1930s imams embraced
as a kindred philosophy, is all about world conquest
and the complete domination of the human race.

SIRS: http://islamisbad.com

The ONLY place that spouts the good of National
Socialism is a NAZI propaganda outlet, just as
the ONLY place that spouts anything good about
Islam is a Muslim propaganda outlet (and their
amazingly suicidal Western enablers). And the
Muslims who are protesting King's hearings know
this perfectly well.

And please don't confuse the mindless butchery
in Oklahoma City, Waco, or Phoenix with the
jihadic genocide Muslims have unleashed
upon the world: Those murderers Oklahoma
City, Waco, Phoenix, etc., were mentally
damaged persons in some way or other, and
had no purpose or reason for their crimes
outside their demented skulls. Those insane
murders advanced no cause, and had no
reason for taking place other than some mental
aberration in the minds of the sick, sick, sick
perpetrators. (Which isn't always acknowledged
by the law.)

The ongoing butchery that Islam promotes, and
has been promoting in the world since before
the death of Mohammed in the year 615 AD, on
the other hand, is part of a neverending jihad
determined either to turn the world into Muslims
or butcher those who refuse to become Muslims.

It makes no sense to look into the reasons for
Oklahoma City, Waco, or Phoenix outside of a
purely psychological interest. On the other hand,
it makes perfect sense to look into the ongoing
Islamic world-wide jihad against non-Muslims
in the interest of possibly saving either our
culture and civilization, or our very lives.

S D Rodrian


The path to Wisdom
always follows that of Truth:

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

Paul Robinson
2011-03-08 04:30:27 UTC
Post by Aardvark
And please don't confuse the mindless butchery
in Oklahoma City, Waco, or Phoenix with the
The incident was in Tucson, not Phoenix.
2011-03-08 21:56:24 UTC
Post by Paul Robinson
Post by Aardvark
And please don't confuse the mindless butchery
in Oklahoma City, Waco, or Phoenix with the
The incident was in Tucson, not Phoenix.
I wasn't there. Sorry.



Rep. Peter King's hearings on Islamic radicalization:
Fuel for the bigots" RE:


The Islamofacism enablers among us have
gotten into the incredible habit of calling
those who only wish to point out the truth,
the facts: "bigots." [Is it bigotry to say that
people have feet at the end of their legs?]
These suicidal name-callers are hopeless
contemptible morons themselves [sic] whose
self-loathing is putting Western Civilization
and our very lives (because a great many of
us will fight to save our freedom) at risk.

The evil nature of Islam is beyond denial.
And anybody who denies it is self-evidently
& without one single doubt: a liar.

Now, the Koran commands Muslims to lie
to non-Muslims as a religious duty. In fact,
the Koran commands Muslims to keep the
Koran itself from being read by non-Muslims
(because, after all, nobody wants to give
the plan for conquest to those who are
to be conquered). However, this religious
"duty" was promulgated at a time when it
was possible for the Muslims to keep the
Koran from being obtained by non-Muslims.
Today the Koran is freely available to be
read in the Internet--And I advise everybody
to read it (including those Muslims who
genuinely ingenuously may not really
understand the truly evil nature of the
murderous cult they are helping to inflict
upon an innocent world). Begin here:


It is time somebody explains this to the world
in no uncertain language. And I commend all
who are decent enough to do it ... and tough
enough to weather the undeserved opprobrium
heaped upon them for merely speaking out the

S D Rodrian



What motivates religious hate?


Well, in the specific case of Islam
it's probably the 14 centuries of an
Islamic Genocide against non-Muslims
which has claimed (not 6 million lives,
as in the recent Nazi Genocide, but)
many 100s of millions of lives across
a breath of land from the United States
to Europe to Africa to the Middle East
to Asia without end in sight... And not
in individual sporadic outbursts of
hatred/vengeance but in a historically
well organized campaign of murder
and terror designed to bring the totality
of the human race into subjugation:

I think that might get anyone's blood
boiling who is in the crosshairs of such
a ruinously bloodthirsty campaign.

S D Rodrian

If King were holding hearings on the dangers
of National Socialism (Nazism) I am sure most
Nazis would want to short-circuit them before
they even got started: Nazis know full well
that nothing good for them could possibly come
out of any objective focus on Nazism.

And in the same manner Muslims know full well
that there is about as much chance of anything
coming out of any objective focus on Islam that
will make them look good as there is about any
objective focus on Nazism making Hitler come
out looking like the Prophet of Good (because,
let's face it: objectively, there is about as much
good in Islam as there is in National Socialism).

Islam, like the Nazism most 1930s imams embraced
as a kindred philosophy, is all about world conquest
and the complete domination of the human race.

SIRS: http://islamisbad.com

The ONLY place that spouts the good of National
Socialism is a NAZI propaganda outlet, just as
the ONLY place that spouts anything good about
Islam is a Muslim propaganda outlet (and their
amazingly suicidal Western enablers). And the
Muslims who are protesting King's hearings know
this perfectly well.

And please don't confuse the mindless butchery
in Oklahoma City, Waco, or Phoenix with the
jihadic genocide Muslims have unleashed
upon the world: Those murderers Oklahoma
City, Waco, Phoenix, etc., were mentally
damaged persons in some way or other, and
had no purpose or reason for their crimes
outside their demented skulls. Those insane
murders advanced no cause, and had no
reason for taking place other than some mental
aberration in the minds of the sick, sick, sick
perpetrators. (Which isn't always acknowledged
by the law.)

The ongoing butchery that Islam promotes, and
has been promoting in the world since before
the death of Mohammed in the year 615 AD, on
the other hand, is part of a neverending jihad
determined either to turn the world into Muslims
or butcher those who refuse to become Muslims.

It makes no sense to look into the reasons for
Oklahoma City, Waco, or Phoenix outside of a
purely psychological interest. On the other hand,
it makes perfect sense to look into the ongoing
Islamic world-wide jihad against non-Muslims
in the interest of possibly saving either our
culture and civilization, or our very lives.

S D Rodrian


The path to Wisdom
always follows that of Truth:

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.

