Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
2010-12-05 16:19:51 UTC
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The following ad campaign, of interest to
Seekers / Humanists / Atheists / Naturalists /
Agnostics / Nonreligionists / Nontheists /
Antireligionists / Realists / Educationalists /
Experimentalists / Freethinkers / Enlightened /
Rationalists / Secularists, especially at a
time of year which religionists oft-times
insist is derived from the birth of a chris-
tian savior rather than from seasonal cele-
brations existing long before the christ
mythos was concocted.
Of note, when I clicked on the video at
this article, it opened with "The 12 Days
of Christmas", not exactly the most secular
song at this time of year, but at least it's
not nearly as intense of a christian-pro-
moting 'caroling' type of song that's wide-
spread (in many otherwise secular areas)
during this holiday season:
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Ad Campaign Promoting Atheism Across U.S.
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€ - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - €
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
(Freethinking Realist Exploring
Expressive Liberty, Openness,
Verity, Enlightenment, & Rationality)
The following ad campaign, of interest to
Seekers / Humanists / Atheists / Naturalists /
Agnostics / Nonreligionists / Nontheists /
Antireligionists / Realists / Educationalists /
Experimentalists / Freethinkers / Enlightened /
Rationalists / Secularists, especially at a
time of year which religionists oft-times
insist is derived from the birth of a chris-
tian savior rather than from seasonal cele-
brations existing long before the christ
mythos was concocted.
Of note, when I clicked on the video at
this article, it opened with "The 12 Days
of Christmas", not exactly the most secular
song at this time of year, but at least it's
not nearly as intense of a christian-pro-
moting 'caroling' type of song that's wide-
spread (in many otherwise secular areas)
during this holiday season:
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Ad Campaign Promoting Atheism Across U.S.
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€ - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - € - €
Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
(Freethinking Realist Exploring
Expressive Liberty, Openness,
Verity, Enlightenment, & Rationality)