Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
2010-03-16 14:44:36 UTC
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Per the following, if humans last that long (which is by no means
certain) in anywhere near our current form (which is also highly
unlikely being that technological advances will, if nature or acts
of humans don't contravene, likely result in current humans even-
tually becoming advanced symbiotic intellectually sophisticated
long-lived healthy beings far superior to the current version), our
descendants (and/or creations) will have the following to deal with ...
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March 15, 2010
Star set to collide with solar system
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Have a good look at this star. For astronomers have discovered that
it is on course to collide with the outskirts of our solar system with
potentially catastrophic consequences. New calculations show that
the orange dwarf, called Gliese 710, will crash through the Oort Cloud
that surrounds the Sun. The disruption to this shell of many billions of
icy fragments would launch a shower of comets into the inner solar
system, threatening the planets with devastating impacts.
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Have a good look at this star. For astronomers have discovered that
it is on course to collide with the outskirts of our solar system with
potentially catastrophic consequences.
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New calculations show that the orange dwarf, called Gliese 710, will
crash through the Oort Cloud that surrounds the Sun. The disruption
to this shell of many billions of icy fragments would launch a shower
of comets into the inner solar system, threatening the planets with
devastating impacts.
Some believe it could lead to a repeat of the Late Heavy Bombard-
ment that left the Moon covered with craters around 4 billion years
ago. The good news is that the star is not expected to arrive for a
million or more years.
The threat from Gliese 710, a star with about half the mass of the
sun 63 light-years away in the constellation of the Serpent, is rated
as 86 per cent likely. That is nearly as good as a certainty.
... Gliese 710, which can be seen in small telescopes, has our solar
system clearly in its sights. ... it is racing towards us at 30,000 mph
and on course to crash through the Oort Cloud, which lies around
a light-year away, within the next million and a half years.
It could even come within a zone of asteroid-like bodies around
Pluto called the Kuiper Belt, though the chances of this are put at
only one in a thousand. But some astronomers are suggesting that
Gliese 710 might be circled by its own Oort Cloud, which could
produce a double shower of hazardous comets.
... The new alert comes days after a NASA astrobiology site
reported that an invisible brown dwarf star nicknamed Nemesis
may be circling the sun and causing mass extinctions of life on
Earth every 26 million years. ...
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Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
(Freethinking Realist Exploring
Expressive Liberty, Openness,
Verity, Enlightenment, & Rationality)
Per the following, if humans last that long (which is by no means
certain) in anywhere near our current form (which is also highly
unlikely being that technological advances will, if nature or acts
of humans don't contravene, likely result in current humans even-
tually becoming advanced symbiotic intellectually sophisticated
long-lived healthy beings far superior to the current version), our
descendants (and/or creations) will have the following to deal with ...
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March 15, 2010
Star set to collide with solar system
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Have a good look at this star. For astronomers have discovered that
it is on course to collide with the outskirts of our solar system with
potentially catastrophic consequences. New calculations show that
the orange dwarf, called Gliese 710, will crash through the Oort Cloud
that surrounds the Sun. The disruption to this shell of many billions of
icy fragments would launch a shower of comets into the inner solar
system, threatening the planets with devastating impacts.
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Have a good look at this star. For astronomers have discovered that
it is on course to collide with the outskirts of our solar system with
potentially catastrophic consequences.
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New calculations show that the orange dwarf, called Gliese 710, will
crash through the Oort Cloud that surrounds the Sun. The disruption
to this shell of many billions of icy fragments would launch a shower
of comets into the inner solar system, threatening the planets with
devastating impacts.
Some believe it could lead to a repeat of the Late Heavy Bombard-
ment that left the Moon covered with craters around 4 billion years
ago. The good news is that the star is not expected to arrive for a
million or more years.
The threat from Gliese 710, a star with about half the mass of the
sun 63 light-years away in the constellation of the Serpent, is rated
as 86 per cent likely. That is nearly as good as a certainty.
... Gliese 710, which can be seen in small telescopes, has our solar
system clearly in its sights. ... it is racing towards us at 30,000 mph
and on course to crash through the Oort Cloud, which lies around
a light-year away, within the next million and a half years.
It could even come within a zone of asteroid-like bodies around
Pluto called the Kuiper Belt, though the chances of this are put at
only one in a thousand. But some astronomers are suggesting that
Gliese 710 might be circled by its own Oort Cloud, which could
produce a double shower of hazardous comets.
... The new alert comes days after a NASA astrobiology site
reported that an invisible brown dwarf star nicknamed Nemesis
may be circling the sun and causing mass extinctions of life on
Earth every 26 million years. ...
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Pro-Humanist FREELOVER
(Freethinking Realist Exploring
Expressive Liberty, Openness,
Verity, Enlightenment, & Rationality)