2011-02-17 17:04:13 UTC
Is freedom a religious or secular idea?
Freedom is an absolutely (impossible to
separate from) secular idea/principle:
How can anyone possibly conceive of the
illogical and utterly ridiculous notion of
human freedom within the concept of a
lifetime observing/worshipping a "being"
(or creature) "higher" than man?!? Under
such obvious conditions of uncontestable
subservience man becomes a mere slave
(of secondary or little importance even
to himself): Only God is important. Man
matters little or not at all. Therefore, if
men must be sacrificed for the sake of
God, what possible objection could a
mere man raise?!? (And so it is in Islam,
where in the Koran the one and only way
anyone is guaranteed a direct & unimpeded
entrance into "Paradise" is to murder as
many human beings as possible while
committing suicide yourself "for God.")
The redeeming peculiarity of Judaism
is told in the story of God asking Abraham
to sacrifice his son--a common practice
in the Middle East then. [Hundreds of years
later, as the Romans were threatening to
destroy Carthage, the "great" Hannibal
ordered the "sacrifice" of Carthaginian
children, including his own--the Romans,
however, were not impressed by this
pious gesture and eventually wiped
Carthage off the map]: But at the last
moment the Hebrew God stops Abraham's
sacrifice, signaling an end to the practice
of human sacrifice from that moment on
--at least for the Jews).
The problem, of course, is fundamental
(and even a humanistic religion like
Judaism escapes it not): There is no god,
of any form/manner or shape; therefore
very human, very mortal men (whether
crazy, wicked, or just plain criminal) are
the ones who "speak" for these "gods."
Ultimately they become the greatest and
most terrible of tyrants (as in modern day
Iran). Someone who knows he has NOT
spoken to any god and yet lies about it
for the sake of personal gains is exactly
the kind of vile/contemptible liar who is
minister of God, whether pastor or imam.
Only when religion (in any & every shape,
manner, and form) is denied a hand in
the governance of men, can men truly
experience freedom. Because only then
can men rule themselves according to their
needs. And that is an absolute without
any qualifications whatsoever.
Only when these "so-called democratic"
popular protests begin calling for secular
governments will they be truly democratic
revolutions. And I don't see that happening
yet, or even any time soon. Sorry to say.
S D Rodrian
The path to Wisdom
always follows that of Truth:
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
Freedom is an absolutely (impossible to
separate from) secular idea/principle:
How can anyone possibly conceive of the
illogical and utterly ridiculous notion of
human freedom within the concept of a
lifetime observing/worshipping a "being"
(or creature) "higher" than man?!? Under
such obvious conditions of uncontestable
subservience man becomes a mere slave
(of secondary or little importance even
to himself): Only God is important. Man
matters little or not at all. Therefore, if
men must be sacrificed for the sake of
God, what possible objection could a
mere man raise?!? (And so it is in Islam,
where in the Koran the one and only way
anyone is guaranteed a direct & unimpeded
entrance into "Paradise" is to murder as
many human beings as possible while
committing suicide yourself "for God.")
The redeeming peculiarity of Judaism
is told in the story of God asking Abraham
to sacrifice his son--a common practice
in the Middle East then. [Hundreds of years
later, as the Romans were threatening to
destroy Carthage, the "great" Hannibal
ordered the "sacrifice" of Carthaginian
children, including his own--the Romans,
however, were not impressed by this
pious gesture and eventually wiped
Carthage off the map]: But at the last
moment the Hebrew God stops Abraham's
sacrifice, signaling an end to the practice
of human sacrifice from that moment on
--at least for the Jews).
The problem, of course, is fundamental
(and even a humanistic religion like
Judaism escapes it not): There is no god,
of any form/manner or shape; therefore
very human, very mortal men (whether
crazy, wicked, or just plain criminal) are
the ones who "speak" for these "gods."
Ultimately they become the greatest and
most terrible of tyrants (as in modern day
Iran). Someone who knows he has NOT
spoken to any god and yet lies about it
for the sake of personal gains is exactly
the kind of vile/contemptible liar who is
minister of God, whether pastor or imam.
Only when religion (in any & every shape,
manner, and form) is denied a hand in
the governance of men, can men truly
experience freedom. Because only then
can men rule themselves according to their
needs. And that is an absolute without
any qualifications whatsoever.
Only when these "so-called democratic"
popular protests begin calling for secular
governments will they be truly democratic
revolutions. And I don't see that happening
yet, or even any time soon. Sorry to say.
S D Rodrian
The path to Wisdom
always follows that of Truth:
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.